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Teeth Cleaning Specialist

Sunrise Dental

Dentist located in Olympia, WA

The professional staff at Sunrise Dental of Olympia offers many preventative services, including teeth cleaning and x-rays. The facility offers these services to patients in Olympia, Washington and the surrounding areas.

Teeth Cleaning Q & A

How Often Should a Person Have Their Teeth Cleaned?

Dentists recommend annual cleanings to each of their patients. An annual cleaning removes debris from the teeth that, if left to build up, can create cavities and wear away the delicate enamel that covers the teeth. During an annual cleaning, the dentist will also examine all of the soft tissues of the mouth for any sores, blemishes, or lesions. The teeth will also be looked at to determine if any cavities or other abnormalities are present. Early detection makes filling cavities much quicker and any possible health problems easier to treat. An annual cleaning also can provide indications of health problems in other areas of the body, including heart conditions or vitamin/mineral deficiencies.

When Should a Child First see the Dentist?

Children should begin to see the dentist around their first birthday. By this time, most children have anywhere from four to eight teeth and can begin to create a rapport with the dentist. The earlier the child is when they first see the dentist, the less likely they are to be afraid of them as they get older. Building a positive relationship between the child and the dentist is extremely important. The dentist will be able to notice any problems as the teeth begin to develop and can teach the child proper brushing and flossing techniques at a very early age. Early childhood visits result in the healthier children who know the importance of good oral hygiene.

What is Included in an Annual Teeth Cleaning?

An annual cleaning includes the removal of plaque and tartar from the surface of the teeth, as well as a fluoride based treatment that will help to protect the enamel of the teeth from damage. The dentist may request a series of x-rays to determine if there are any hidden abnormalities or cavities that may not be able to be seen just by looking at the teeth. In most cases, x-rays are requested every two or three years, unless a patient has experienced some form of injury to the face that may have damaged the teeth. During a child's annual cleaning, the dentist will often go over proper brushing techniques and work with them to ensure they can keep their teeth clean and healthy.


We care greatly about your dental health at Sunrise Dental of Olympia. We accept many insurance plans to help patients achieve the care that they need. If you have any questions about how we can help you afford your dental care, please call our office to learn more. Thank you in advance from the staff at Sunrise Dental of Olympia.

  Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield
Assurant Dental Health Alliance (PPO)
Best Life And Health
Dearborn National
Delta Dental
Lincoln Financial Group
Northwest Administrators
Premera Blue Cross