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Bridges Specialist

Sunrise Dental

Dentist located in Olympia, WA

Sunrise Dental of Olympia serves patients who live in and around the area of Olympia, Washington. The professional staff at the facility specializes in the use of bridges and other dental treatments to help restore proper function and form to the mouth.

Bridges Q & A

What is a Bridge?

A bridge is a dental appliance that is used to fill in a space created by a missing tooth or teeth. A bridge uses the two teeth on either side of the gap as anchors, stabilizing them so they don't shift towards the open space. The appliance is made up of three or more teeth. The teeth on either side is actually a covering that fits directly over the existing teeth on either side of the gap. These act as abutments to hold the existing teeth in place. A false tooth or teeth are placed between the abutment teeth, effectively filling the gap. This gives the appearance of a full set of normal, healthy teeth, even if one or two are missing.

When are Bridges Considered?

Bridges are often considered for patients who have lost one or more teeth due to damage or decay. When a tooth (or teeth) are lost, the teeth surrounding the space can begin to shift. The can cause a misalignment in the patient's bite pattern and eventually lead to excessive jaw pain and discomfort. A bridge is considered if the person who has lost the tooth has a healthy set of teeth and supporting bone structure. By putting a bridge in place, the dentist can help the patient maintain the structure and integrity of the mouth, as well as provide them with a mouth that looks aesthetically pleasing. It can be extremely difficult to tell if a person has a bridge or if they have their natural teeth.

Are Bridges Permanent?

Both bridges and crowns can be permanently placed in the mouth to create the appearance of one's own natural teeth. For most bridge and crown procedures, a temporary one is put in place until the permanent one can be manufactured and prepared. Once the permanent bridge is ready, the doctor will remove the temporary bridge, evaluate how well the dental work has healed and then install the permanent bridge where it belongs. The anchor/abutment teeth on either end will be bonded together to create a permanent seal that will hold the bridge in place for several years. While most bridges and crowns are intended to be permanent, they may loosen over time and need to be replaced.


We care greatly about your dental health at Sunrise Dental of Olympia. We accept many insurance plans to help patients achieve the care that they need. If you have any questions about how we can help you afford your dental care, please call our office to learn more. Thank you in advance from the staff at Sunrise Dental of Olympia.

  Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield
Assurant Dental Health Alliance (PPO)
Best Life And Health
Dearborn National
Delta Dental
Lincoln Financial Group
Northwest Administrators
Premera Blue Cross